Q: Where are the classes?
A: At the full time school in Penarth. You can find address and a map on the ‘contact’ tab in the menu.
Q: I paid for a trial online- when is my first class?
A: Thanks to all who have already booked a trial- if you booked online, then your place is already held.
Check the term dates on the website on the ‘timetable’ tab in the menu.
Your first lesson will be the first week of term.
If you are joining part way through a term- just drop me an email with your first lesson time so I can expect you.
Q: What do I wear for the class?
A: The most important thing is to wear loose comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.
Please don’t wear jeans or skirts etc. Jogging bottoms/leggings are fine and a t-shirt or loose top.
Footwear: Please bring flat indoor shoes. We do not wear outdoor shoes on the training floor. Plimsolls/deck shoes are ideal. Trainers or thick soles are not recommended, as they are hard to balance in, and you can’t feel the floor.
Q: Do I have to train 2 classes per week?
A: After teaching for 25 years, I have found twice to be optimal. One session per week is too slow to progress, and takes several times longer to cover the same material. . (Of course, you may come more often, but I appreciate that many people are busy, so I have organised the classes so that you can make good progress with two sessions.). I really want people to get the full benefits of this wonderful system, and like learning an instrument or a new language, regular practise is key.
Q: Can I pay cash rather than online?
A: Please book your first class online- it’s safe and secure and will help me make sure that I do not book too many people in each class. After that- if you would rather pay for a course by cash, you can, or continue to use the website.
If you have not yet booked- I would recommend booking soon as the spots really are filling very quickly.
Q: How much are the classes after the trial?
A: The course is taught along with the school terms: each term is not the same number of classes. The fees for the term are based on £9 per class. You may pay the whole term, or half term. Your £10 trial class is redeemed against your first term.
Q: Can I learn ‘one to one’?
A: I have a few places available for private lessons. You can learn at your own pace, and I am able to give feedback and correction to a greater level of detail than is possible in a group class. The cost is £60 per hour. Please email me to arrange a lesson.